Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Mother, the Spider Hunter

I have a somewhat extreme fear of spiders and I can't stand the icky feeling I get when I kill one. Last night, as I was laying in bed praying, I noticed a spider crawling on my ceiling. It couldn't have been bigger than half an inch in diameter, but I considered the spider to be a monster. I sat up and it immediately stopped crawling. I lied down again and it resumed it's crawling. I sat up again and, of course, the spider stopped crawling. I lied down and it started crawling again. I sat up one more time and texted my mama to tell her about the spider and ask her to kill it for me. I knew she would, though, because she usually kills spiders for me. Besides, I am too short to have reached the spider on my ceiling. Immediately after recieving my text, my mama came in my room to kill the beast for me. She grabbed the hairspray and sprayed it on the ceiling where the spider was. This was in an effort to slow it down because, I don't know why, hairspray slows spiders down. The spider was weakened by the hairspray and Mama was able to kill it successfully. Yay!!!!!

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